Busy, Busy, Busy

Can you say busy enough? I know this is the time of year when everyone is crazy busy but this year it seems like I am in control in an out of control world. It is a little disconcerting to say the least. I am constantly feeling like I am missing something but, I am so at peace about it.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

I Glove Breakfast

Do you ever notice when you order your food at many places that the food handlers wear gloves? And sometimes they do all sorts of things with their gloved hands then handle your food? Don't you just want to say, "Did you know that those gloves are actually supposed to be for MY protection?"

"What raises this?" you might ask. Well, this morning I decided I wanted a breakfast sandwich so I went to a local hole in the wall and ordered. There was only one dude on duty, the regular register person must have been on break. He rips his rubber glove off of one hand, handles my money transaction with the ungloved hand being very careful to not touch anything else with his gloved hand, then places a new glove on the ungloved hand and proceeds to prepare my meal. Although not ideal this was an acceptable practice to me. Because he was so careful not to use the gloved hand to handle the money (or anything else) is the only reason I think I noticed.

I cannot tell you how many places I have been where the staff has done so many things with their gloved hands that I'd rather not think about it enough to repeat any of the sightings, the proceeded to prepare a food item. Those places I have walked out of. Do they not get it? Those gloves are for my protection, not so they don't get my food on their hands! If they want to avoid getting food on their hands then they should work in retail clothing or something else.

Anyway, my sandwich was excellent and I ate it all! Yum!

This Makes the News?

I was at the gym yesterday afternoon watching the televisions (I rarely listen, I find it kind of entertaining to just watch and make up what people are saying). The teles have the usual mix of something for everyone, music videos, a talk show (like Tara or Oprah), sports, sitcoms, and, at least one channel always tuned to, CNN.

I am looking around at the various teles and settle on CNN for a bit. As I am on the elliptical trainer building up my cardio fitness I watch the ticker at the bottom of the screen, Obama visits with White House, something about Pakistan, Iraq, etc., then it passes by, "World's Ugliest Dog Dies".

I wait for the ticker to circle and I see it again, now that is news? And CNN News at that? It must have been a slow day in the news, which I guess isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Christmas is Near, Oh Dear!

Wow, I cannot believe there are only a few weeks left until Christmas. I am really trying to get organized this year and get all my gifts out, bought, sorted, wrapped, and under the tree as soon as the tree goes up after Thanksgiving. Not sure that is going to happen but I'd like to have a year that I don't have to run around like a mad woman trying to tackle all the different tasks that arise for Christmas.

So, last weekend we almost completed shopping for our daughter and my mom is done but, she is easy! So, two down, ten or so to go...

These Boots Are Made For Walking!

I have these boots (but I have two of them) and since it is fall-like weather now I decided to wear them today, black boots, black skirt, black tights, sweater/jacket set, black trench coat.
So, today I leave for lunch at normal people's lunch hour because I was starving! Usually, I go to lunch sometime around 2:00 or so. As I am standing outside a potential eatery perusing the menu a rather nice-looking fellow approaches me and says, "Hi!"
"Hello," I respond
"I like your boots, they are very Sarah Palin-esque," he says.
I begin to think I might just mosey on down the street to the next place that catches my eye but, I can't. Instead I say, "Except that I had my boots before anyone knew how Sarah Palin was!"
To which he replies, "They are very Femme Fatale. Nice boots!" He starts to walk away, then returns and says, "You know, you are very striking." I was not quite sure what to say or if I should acknowledge but, I think I am too polite sometimes. I replied, "Thank you."
I stepped up to the counter to place my order all the while wondering how I was going to shake this guy. Well, when I turned around, he was gone.
Not sure if I was freaked or flattered but, I do now remember why I choose to go to lunch a little later than *normal*.

I Voted!

I voted! Actually, I voted by mail two weeks ago so I hope that my ballot counts. Tonight or tomorrow we will have the results of the most interesting presidential election I can remember.