It's Monday and I came to work to make the best of the day only to open my email and see that a project that I worked on so diligently at the end of last week (that wasn't even my project, by the way) has apparently become my problem.
Please don't get me wrong, I am more than a team player but when no one else steps up to do their part in furtherance of the team, why did I get stuck with the work and the criticism for something that was not done right long before I was involved and I only stepped in to fix? I received an email from the original person involved (I like to call these CYA memos), copied to half of the workforce, of course, trying to blame me for what was not done in the first place. Sheesh!
Although many a thought went through my head and I drafted many curt responses (only in my mind, though), I decided the best course was to just ignore the email and move on. I think I did the right thing in this instance because I'm sure that the situation would have escalated had I responded in any way, especially in the only way I felt capable at the time. Interesting, too, the person that sent that critical email is now sending me email that is almost sickly sweet, ugh! I am still thinking about recourse by going over the person's head but I'm also thinking that since I did not respond that person must be wondering what my next move will be. Maybe it's better to keep them wondering...
This was definitely one of those moments when I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this when I could be putting all these efforts toward my children instead?"
8 years ago
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