I made my daily trek to the gym today. (I am trying to be religious about going to the gym because I finally decided that my children are way to old to use twin pregnancy as an excuse.) I am at the point where I am seeing some results and I miss it enough when I don't go that I wish I went. So, I digress!
I charge through the door and hand the desk attendant my card, grab my towels and am off to the locker room to change. As I round the corner on my way to change, I see a younger woman with a midriff top and low lying sweats standing on the gym floor with her compact open applying her blush! Okay, I'm not that young and would not be caught dead or otherwise in a mid riff top at this point in my life, see above for reason, but I am not jealous. Even in my super hot single days (that may be a little over stating the truth but) I did not care that much what I looked like at the gym, and even if I did I would not be caught giving up my secrets.
What is it about the gym that brings out the best in us?
8 years ago
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