As I was driving into work today I heard on the radio how tough the economic crisis is, it's so tough that even Macy's is closing some of its stores. I guess that should not surprise me but it kind of does. Macy's is one of those stores that seems like it will always exist through the good times and the bad. After all, I work because I shop (but please don't tell my husband!).
So, when I got to work I googled "Macy's store closings" because I had to determine if I would be affected directly. I found an article in the Wall Street Journal that lists all the stores that will be closing and, luckily for me, none of the Macy's stores near me are closing their doors. But for those of you that are curious, here is the list of stores that will be closing soon (and apparently they will start their clearance sales soon, so if these are the stores you shop at least you may be able to get some shopping out of your system before they are no longer):
Ernst & Young Plaza (Citicorp Plaza), Los Angeles
The Citadel, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Westminster Mall, Westminster, Colo.
Palm Beach Mall, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Mauna Lani Bay Hotel, Island of Hawaii
Lafayette Square, Indianapolis
Brookdale Center, Brooklyn Center, Minn.
Crestwood Mall, St. Louis
Natrona Heights Plaza, Natrona Heights, Pa.
Century III Furniture and Clearance, West Mifflin, Pa.
Bellevue Center, Nashville, Tenn.
I hope the economy turns around soon because many more stories like this and I will have to quit working because there will be no incentive to continue!
8 years ago
You have a really good article.
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