I was at the gym yesterday afternoon watching the televisions (I rarely listen, I find it kind of entertaining to just watch and make up what people are saying). The teles have the usual mix of something for everyone, music videos, a talk show (like Tara or Oprah), sports, sitcoms, and, at least one channel always tuned to, CNN.
I am looking around at the various teles and settle on CNN for a bit. As I am on the elliptical trainer building up my cardio fitness I watch the ticker at the bottom of the screen, Obama visits with White House, something about Pakistan, Iraq, etc., then it passes by, "World's Ugliest Dog Dies".
I wait for the ticker to circle and I see it again, now that is news? And CNN News at that? It must have been a slow day in the news, which I guess isn't necessarily a bad thing.
8 years ago
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