I'm sure it comes as no surprise to any of you moms that most moms would like to work part time. Though even a part time schedule can be a challenge. The issue is that most companies will not hire people into part time positions. I believe that this comes from the corporate mentality that if someone is not willing to spend all their waking hours at work then they are not loyal to the company. But, times, they are a changing.
As women have their children later in life, they are usually well established in their profession. Companies have invested time and money in training these women, also. After entrenching themselves in their profession, women have their first baby, then elect to stay home because their priorities change and they cannot find a suitable schedule. Because of this paradigm change, companies are beginning to feel the talent pinch. Some companies are starting to take notice and offer more flexible schedules for professional women. Staffing agencies, like 10 til 2, as well are picking up on the trend and specializing in placement of professional women in part time and flexible positions.
In fact, an Arizona newspaper reports, that a poll suggests that moms are more inclined now to want to work part time than ten years ago. It also lists the Top 10 part-time jobs for moms as:
• Administrative or executive assistant.
• Accounts payable/receivable.
• Appointment setters.
• Accountant or bookkeeper.
• Data entry.
• Legal secretaries.
• Marketing specialist.
• Sales.
• Office assistant or manager.
• Graphic or Web designers.
The task of balancing a full-time job with all of its demands and a family, because, let's face it, children need their mommy, is stressful. The stress is what forces women to leave the workforce if they cannot cut back the work schedule. Companies now are beginning to realize that they are missing out on a talent pool that they had available to them ten years ago. This realization is what is prompting companies to offer more flexible schedules for moms and dads alike.
As the next few years pass, I hope that more opportunities arise for people who wish for the part time schedule become more abundant. I think it might just make as a more rounded society. Oh, how I am hoping that this really takes off.
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