Do Rolling Briefcases Make Good Dance Partners?
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: rant, rolling briefcase, wheeled briefcase, workingtwinmomdiaryA couple days ago I was dutifully enjoying my cardio work out on the Cybex Arc Trainer (if you don't know what that is it's kind of a cross between an elliptical machine and a stair stepper). My favorite Arc Trainer is directly in line with a window that is perpetually open with only one tread mill separating me from the fresh air. I watched but did not listen to the several televisions mounted around the gym per usual and then I began to smell an odd aroma. A couple of seconds passed and what I thought to be an aroma turned, well, disgusting. I peered around the gym and smack in front of that open window directly in my line of fire was a person who had just jumped onto the treadmill that stood between that open window and me. That person on that treadmill must not have washed their gym clothes for an entire year or maybe even more. The stench of urine, sweat, or whatever else made my stomach turn. It was completely and utterly vile! I cannot imagine how the person wearing those clothes could not know that they smelled. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the gym is typically not full of fresh and fruity smells, but come on! I wash my gym clothes between each use, it's not that difficult.
I got to thinking that maybe gyms should institute a clothing smell test and if you don't pass you cannot workout. Can you imagine the protests of the front desk workers?
Most Moms Would Like to Work Part Time, Surprised?
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: commute, rant, working mom, workingtwinmomdiaryI'm sure it comes as no surprise to any of you moms that most moms would like to work part time. Though even a part time schedule can be a challenge. The issue is that most companies will not hire people into part time positions. I believe that this comes from the corporate mentality that if someone is not willing to spend all their waking hours at work then they are not loyal to the company. But, times, they are a changing.
As women have their children later in life, they are usually well established in their profession. Companies have invested time and money in training these women, also. After entrenching themselves in their profession, women have their first baby, then elect to stay home because their priorities change and they cannot find a suitable schedule. Because of this paradigm change, companies are beginning to feel the talent pinch. Some companies are starting to take notice and offer more flexible schedules for professional women. Staffing agencies, like 10 til 2, as well are picking up on the trend and specializing in placement of professional women in part time and flexible positions.
In fact, an Arizona newspaper reports, that a poll suggests that moms are more inclined now to want to work part time than ten years ago. It also lists the Top 10 part-time jobs for moms as:
• Administrative or executive assistant.
• Accounts payable/receivable.
• Appointment setters.
• Accountant or bookkeeper.
• Data entry.
• Legal secretaries.
• Marketing specialist.
• Sales.
• Office assistant or manager.
• Graphic or Web designers.
The task of balancing a full-time job with all of its demands and a family, because, let's face it, children need their mommy, is stressful. The stress is what forces women to leave the workforce if they cannot cut back the work schedule. Companies now are beginning to realize that they are missing out on a talent pool that they had available to them ten years ago. This realization is what is prompting companies to offer more flexible schedules for moms and dads alike.
As the next few years pass, I hope that more opportunities arise for people who wish for the part time schedule become more abundant. I think it might just make as a more rounded society. Oh, how I am hoping that this really takes off.
Daylight Savings Time
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: daylight saving time schedule for 2008, observation, time change fall 2008, workingtwinmomdiary
Wow, I cannot believe that Halloween is almost here. I remember each year sometime around Halloween, we have to start thinking about setting our clocks back to Standard Time so this is the time of year I ask, "When do we set our clocks back?" of "When does daylight savings end, again?" Those thoughts made me check the Daylight Saving Time schedule for 2008.
I remember that we used to lose Daylight Savings Time in October but fairly recently the time for setting the clocks back in the fall moved to sometime after Halloween, I think the first Sunday in November. So, the time change for fall 2008 is next weekend. On Sunday morning at 2:00 all the clocks go back. Yes, we gain an hour next Sunday. That means that for the states that participate Daylight Savings Time, (Arizona, Hawaii and some of the US Territories stay on Standard Time all year long) those citizens will turn their clocks back one hour at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 2, 2008. That is when the official time will change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.
So, plan ahead because you will have an extra hour to entertain, get things done, or just relax. What are your plans?
Palin Wardrobe Malfunction?
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: palin clothes, palin wardrobe, politics, workingtwinmomdiaryObama Tax Calculator
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Joe the Plumber, Obama Tax Calculator, observation, politics, workingtwinmomdiaryI try not to talk politics because I think too many people just want to speak their piece and not listen too others, me included, so it's generally not a good idea for me to get going down that path. But, I don't count this as really talking politics. I found this Obama Tax calculator and I also found this other Obama Tax Calculator. It appears that the first one is the "official" version and the second one, well I have to say that I like the numbers on that one much better. Maybe "Joe the plumber" can plug his numbers in here and see what his taxes will be under each scenario and we can all move on.
Morning Banana Diet
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Morning banana diet, observation, workingtwinmomdiaryBritney Come Back?
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Britney Spears, health, Nutrition 53, observation, workingtwinmomdiaryIn Britney Spears' new video she debuts her new body, apparently all of it, and she is rumored to be in fabulous shape. Apparently, she hangs her success on the use of Nutrition 53. Nutrition 53 is ex-pro football payer, Bill Romanowski's, company that sells nutritional supplements. These supplements are apparently all the rage in Hollywood right now.
I did some quick research and I cannot find any real opinions on the Nutrition 53 products or program so if you have any information you'd like to share I am all ears.
Skin Care Junkie
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Clarisonic, observation, skin care, workingtwinmomdiaryI recently read about the Clarisonic PRO Professional 3-Power Levels Skin Care System
I love to scrapbook but I am not that good at it nor am I very successful at finding the time that I feel I need to sit down and do it. That said, I know what like when I see it.
As I was searching aimlessly this weekend I came across this blog that had the cutest tags at
Three Scrap Booking Ladies and I have to say that those tags made me want to pull out my scrapbook paraphernalia and start scrapping. Oh, and better yet, the have a store where you can by all these pre-made, handmade items, check them out!
I notice much more lately than ever before that reusing and recycling are being advertised with some force. I live in a community that has what they call mandatory recycling which is something other than what you probably think, let me explain: We throw all of our garbage into one bin and then garbage trucks deliver the garbage to a transfer station where all the garbage is dumped onto a conveyor belt. I know, ewwww! Then several people (I have no idea how many) stand on either side of this conveyor belt and pick out all of the recyclables. This process makes our community more than 99% compliant with recycling all recyclable materials.
Because we have this system though, the children are not encouraged at home to recycle so the local school district takes on the responsibility for teaching the children about being kind to Mother Earth. The schools tackle this in several different ways including having a recycling drive for each class room, recycling paper in the schools, and this year they are selling "green" baggies with which to enclose sandwiches, carrots, and other lunch items. I think they must also be using the sale of these green baggies to raise funds because they are charging $4 each.
Well, my daughter has bought into the no baggie rule which I think is fantastic! But the thought of multiple $4 baggies being thrown away on accident did not sit right with my pocketbook. So, last weekend when we were out and about we browsed into a store that had all kinds of interesting things and stumbled upon these containers:
As you can see they are made in different styles for appeal to children and for appeal to adults. I thought them less likely to be tossed into the garbage and easily stackable, washable, and economical. The best part, though, is that the children really, really wanted to get them and could not wait to use them for their lunch.
Now I feel we are doing more to be green in a time when we need to be concerned.
Give Thanks for A Make Ahead Thanksgiving Meal
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: cooking, dinner, Saving Dinner, Thanksgiving, workingtwinmomdiaryI have not been focused on the upcoming holidays so when I received an email from Saving Dinner that has a Thanksgiving menu that you can make ahead and freeze, I did a double take. Then after processing how close Thanksgiving actually is, I thought, "Now isn't that a smart idea?" This menu provides the instructions to make everything well before the holiday bustle begins and then on the day before Thanks giving you can pull all your dinner items from the freezer which will free you up for more holiday fun.
If I were cooking at home for Thanksgiving this year I think I would invest in this menu that provides the shopping list and the recipes. Cooking is not a favorite past time for me and I find it stressful to put on an entire Thanksgiving spread. A menu that I can make ahead, freeze, then bake is exactly my speed. How did they know?
So, I awake this morning to the radio just like any other morning. As I lay there waking up and listening to the radio I think I hear the radio personalities talking about AIG personnel going to a resort and spending many of the tax payer dollars they received in the bailout. I think to myself no.... So when I get up and get the kids off to school I do a little research and this is what I find.
No more than a week after we, the taxpayers, bail out AIG in an attempt to stabilize the weakening economy (more on that later), AIG sends 70 of its "top performers" to a swanky resort where the seventy people rack up more than $440,000 in seven days. They spend about $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and, as if that were not enough, they spend $23,000 on spa treatments. That works out to be about $6300 per person and all paid for by us!
Furthermore, the CEO, who let the Company get into such dire straights, is taking a $5 million bonus and the man who was in charge of the troubled division that weighted AIG down is on a $1 million per month retainer. This is all after astronomic bonuses were paid last year after AIG announced a multi BILLION dollar loss. After the announcement, the CEO conned the board of directors into overlooking the loss for purposes of paying bonuses and all the executives received MILLIONS of dollars in bonuses. Of course, the company line is that the officers knew nothing about the impending demise of the company but PriceWaterhouseCoopers audit works proves otherwise.
Needlesstosay, I am livid that I am working hard to pay taxes that are funding windfalls to those who run public companies into the ground. Would we not all be better off to let these ginormous companies fail and let the executives take their due lumps? I'm not really suggesting that that would be good for the economy (such as it is) but don't you think that we as taxpayers should have some say or that any money given by the government to bail out these companies should be given with so many strings attached that these ludicrous deals cannot and would not happen? I think the executive behaviour was criminal to run the company into the ground but then to turn around in laugh in the taxpayers face, now that is felonious! I hope they all go to jail!
Now I'll get off my soapbox and in closing I'll say that I always thought I wanted to be a weather person because they made good money for being wrong most of the time. However, if these guys don't go to jail then I am changing my mind...
I'm not sure if "someone" was trying to expand my horizons however "someone" left this book at my home in my basket that I use to stage everything for exit with me each morning. So, after staring at it for several months and wondering who might have left it there I picked it up, stuck it in my bag and walked out the door.
As I settled onto the train one morning I pulled this book by Lolly Winston, Happiness Sold Separately, out of my bag and began to read. I have to say that although the topics covered in this book are quite serious to the point I sometimes found my eyes welling up with tears, and sometimes I found myself laughing out loud at times. In addition, I wanted to get back on the train to continue reading. In short, I was hooked.
The book covers the lives of a couple who are married and trying to conceive a child. Through the medical process they grow apart and are unable to get pregnant after multiple attempts. The husband ultimately has an affair which his wife discovers. From that point the book delves into the emotions, thoughts, and occurrences that follow. The book ends in a thought provoking manner leaving the ultimate outcome up to your imagination.
I have another book I am trying to read, more about that later, but after reading this book, Lolly Winston's book, Good Grief: A Novel, is definitely on my list.
The Value of Education
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: education, school, value, working mom, workingtwinmomdiaryI sit here this morning at home after dropping my children off for school. On Fridays I volunteer to correct math timed tests in both of my children's classrooms but I cannot start until 8:30 which gives the children time to get settled and take the test, then I can sneak in and correct them while the children move onto their next activity.
Last year I tried to volunteer to do things from home but nothing ever was sent home and my children constantly reminded me that "so and so's mom came to the class today". So, this year I decided that even though I do work more than full time I would show my children that I think what they are doing at school is important, important enough, in fact, that I will go to work late on Fridays. Don't get me wrong, I have never missed a performance or an important school event, I just did not volunteer in the class before. I thought in being there for the important events I was showing my enthusiasm for their school achievements but I have to say I was wrong, at least in their eyes.
Each week when I show up in class my son beams, comes over and gives me a hug, and checks on me several times while I am there. My daughter is so happy that I come to her class, too. She checks with me each week to see when it is I am coming to her class. I have to say that if I had known that it meant so much to them I would have tried to swing it before now.
I think it also gives me a good perspective on what the children are actually learning. I sometimes forget that my children are only seven and they still have so much more to learn so actually going to their class and seeing first hand what they are working on brings me back to reality, sometimes.
In addition, I always tell the children how important education is to them which is probably a difficult concept to grasp as a child. But, now I feel like I am involved directly in showing how important I think it is and I think they can see it too.
Being a Member of the PTA: $23
School Spirit Wear: $86
Classroom Donation: $60
The Value of Education: Priceless
Dinner Decisions
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: dinner, Saving Dinner, working mom, workingtwinmomdiaryI mentioned that I was home for a few days and one of the things that I really enjoyed while I was home was deciding on preparing dinner for my family. Since I was not working for those few days I had the luxury of scoping out the fridge to see what was in there and then plugging the ingredients into Epicurious to see what popped up. I had several successful meals, successful in the sense that the children and my husband all enjoyed the dinner. I have to admit that the best part for me was all sitting down together and chatting and eating which is something that I usually do not get to do since my working hours are quite long.
Even though I normally do not get to sit and eat with the rest of my family because I am a working mom working long hours, I have been in the habit of making meals that my husband can heat up or, better yet, I put something in the crock pot that is ready when they are ready to eat. I found this great website, Saving Dinner, where you can purchase menus for a week or a season or you can purchase one of their books but, I prefer the weekly version because, whether or not it's true, I feel like it offers a wider variety of selections. They offer weekly menus and not only give you the recipe for the main dish, it suggests all the sides to go with the main dish and provides a weekly shopping list. If you visit Saving Dinner you can print a sample menu for any of their many categories that include vegetarian menus, low carb menus, frugal menus, heart healthy menus, time saving menus (however I found that just receiving the menu and the shopping list was time saving in and of itself), my favorite, crock pot menus, and many others.
Happy and healthy eating.