Last night in the night my son woke me up after my being aware of him coming into my room several times. When he finally woke me up to tell me his tummy hurt I was really awake. So awake, in fact, that I could not go back to sleep. I tossed and turned for a bit then I got up and took a little walk around the house, gave each of the children a little kiss, poured myself a glass of water, climbed back in bed, and counted sheep forever.
This morning when the radio blared telling me it was time to get up I had the hardest time. Even though my eyes and my body resisted I pulled myself out of bed and got ready for the work day. My son came in as I was starting to put my makeup on and said his tummy still hurt. I felt his forehead and he felt a touch warm so I said he could crawl back in bed. I was happy to stay home with him because I thought I could also catch a few winks.
I got my daughter up and we all piled into the car to drive her to school, all the while my son complaining that he did not feel good and wanted to go back to bed. So we came home, I tucked him in and I collapsed into bed myself. In no less than an hour my son is standing by my bedside whining that he cannot stop thinking about his new Wii. Can you see my face?
So all day he has been in and out of bed. Oh, because the rule is that if you are sick enough to stay home from school, then you are too sick to play and watch television, or even play Wii which is only allowed on weekends anyway! So now I sit here home from work (don't get me wrong I'm okay with that) with a child who probably should have gone to school and is asking me every few minutes if he can watch television now.
Next time I think I'll let my husband stay home.
8 years ago
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