Three Ring Circus

I thought I would follow up the previous circus post....

We went to the circus and wow is it different than I remember. It has much more of a Cirque de Soleil feel to it now than when I was a child. There was a little story line about the ring master constantly losing his hat at the mercy of the clown. The hat had quite a journey through the circus tent. Along the way it met with several of the usual circus acts, the motorcycle riding on the wire, the lion tamer act, the trapeze artists, and a few new acts, at least new to me. Then finally the celebration at the end when the hat returns to its rightful owner.

We did not buy the children any treats, a snow cone was $9.00, yes, that's right. It did come in a souvenir cup but we thought that was outrageously high. We did not look at any other goodies.

I have to say that although the circus was quite entertaining for the kids on a "how did they do that?" level, I strongly favor the circus for adults, Cirque de Soleil.


Elizabeth Channel said...

Yes, we once bought a $12.00 Barney sippy cup at a circus-type affair. And it leaked.