That circus song, you know the little catchy tune, keeps swirling around in my head. I'm not sure how to get rid of it although I've tried.
We are scheduled to take the children to the the circus and I am pretty excited because I have not been there since I went with my grandparents when I was small. We were lucky enough to get group rate tickets. I say lucky because I checked the regular prices and the ringside seats go for around $200 each seat. Wow, now that set me in a tail spin. That would be $800 for a family of four, and it cannot be longer than a couple hours of entertainment.
There are not many tickets I would feel comfortable spending that much money for and the circus is not one of them. I think I'd rather take the family away for the weekend somewhere. It might cost a little more than $800 but it would be a weekend's worth of entertainment, not an hour or two!
8 years ago
When we took our kids, not only was the price ridiculous, everything from a bottle of water to a bag of popcorn was so very expensive. Nothing but gouging which was topped off by the MC telling the kids to ask their parents to buy one of these cheap toys you know cost a dollar but they were selling for 15. We said never again.
It is amazing how so many people get caught up in the moment and spend way more than they thought they could ever imagine. We had to hold onto our wallets the entire time!
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