Global warming in affect? Not sure. But, whether or not, Boston sure had some wicked weird weather this past month.
My flight to Boston was delayed by more than two hours because of "severe weather." Since I fly well but am not particularly fond of turbulence I braced myself for severe turbulence that always accompanies any kind of weather. I am happy to say that we encountered no turbulence which was almost a disappointment since I anticipated it the entire time we were in the air.
I experienced rainy weather almost my entire visit. I half expected rain as some places on the East Coast are very humid during the summer but I thought that the rain occurred in the late afternoon and hurriedly cleared out. Apparently, I was right! The locals that I spoke with affirmed that the weather was "wicked weird" and never like what I experienced.
Although the rain persisted, I had a wonderful visit and will probably go back someday (but not in the winter!).
8 years ago
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