After I endured the pouring rain to within blocks of Little Italy, I was determined to make it a couple blocks further and have a nice Italian meal. Besides, I heard that the cannoli are excellent there and wanted to partake.
On the way to Lucia Ristaurante, a restaurant that several people I questioned recommended, I decided to detour to Paul Revere's house. It was just closing as I arrived so, unfortunately, I was unable to see the inside but I did walk across the street and take a photo just to show I'd been there. Then back to my original route on Hanover street, the main drag of Boston's Little Italy.
I arrived at Lucia's and stashed my umbrella with all the other black umbrellas at the door and made my way upstairs to the bar to have a glass of wine and some dinner. As I sat at the bar sipping a glass of wine and perusing the menu for dinner (all while not being interrupted by my twin children), my chat with the bartender reveals that the house specialty if lobster ravioli, yum! As you may have guessed, that is exactly what I ordered. And it was delicious!
After filling up, I ventured back into the wet weather and made my way to the subway to ride home. However on my way I passed a shop that was packed with people even in the inclement weather and curiosity got the best of me. I peeked in and saw the most tempting array of pastries. Of course, I had to indulge. I stepped inside Mike's Pastry Shop and was overwhelmed by the selection. I finally decided on a chocolate chip cannoli which they placed in a box and tied with string. As I continued on my way to the subway in the pouring rain I passed another crowded and fabulous looking pastry shop, Modern Pastry. Although tempted to indulge in another cannoli, I hadn't even so much as bitten into the one from Mike's so I thought better of it.
I boarded the subway, rode to my stop and disembarked. Walked back to my hotel and could not wait to get our of my wringing wet clothing. I showered and jumped into my pajamas. Called home and spoke with my children who were both wishing for their mommy to come home. Then fell asleep only to discover two days later that I had forgotten all about the cannoli that bought. It looked so good, too. Well, there is always next time!
8 years ago
Oooh, I love Mike's Pastry. I took a picture of their marzipan case when hubs and I were there a few years ago. We took some cannoli home with us for my parents. I so want to go back there again (Boston and Mikes).
It is so hard to decide what to get because it all looks so good. I'd like to go back and actually eat a cannoli next time!
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