I'm not really sure how we managed this year to get out of any and all holiday dinner cooking but, we did! However, in case you have not completely figured it out, Saving Dinner (my favorite menu place) has some pre-planned menus for the holidays that include the shopping lists.
Also, they are featuring some left over tips and menus so if you are struggling to figure out exactly what to do, check them out.
Christmas Shopping Complete...Check!
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Christmas, gifts, workingtwinmomdiaryI was stressing out about all that had to be done before Christmas and I think that is what continued to place me in a tailspin. However, after a day of playing hooky from work I completed almost all of my shopping and wrapping was completed over the weekend. I feel so much better now.
Here are some potential hits for my family this year:
For Adults:
Cute Wrapping Paper and Other Accessories
Posted by TopTwinMom Labels: Christmas, rave, workingtwinmomdiaryThanks to a fellow blogger over at Glamorous Housewife I have been introduced to some darling, personalized wrapping paper at The Paper Cafe. Not only do they have wrapping paper but they have many different items, all very cute!
This is how I feel this time of year and, as I said before, this year has been exceptionally bad for me. Not sure why I feel so out of sorts but, I do. It may be that we were gone the week of Thanksgiving which was so relaxing in so many ways but, it also limited time for Christmas preparations. That said, given the opportunity I would do that every year.
So, I have been out of my routine and neglecting my blogs and I apologize but, I plan to start my regular schedule again on Monday. Looking forward to seeing you here.